Monday, June 3, 2013

The Parker Quilt

First, I started with a drawing...  And I pinned it to the wall above my quilting station.
I knew what size quilt I needed (Twin/Full) and looked up the average measurements online.  Then I drew my ideas and colored them for Parker to "approve".
He chose the right half of the design so that's what I worked with and all of the counting is for the right hand side of the design as if it were the whole quilt.

I broke it down into the number of squares I would need of each color and fabric.
Then I picked out fabric to go along with the jeans

And cut it into 6" x 6" squares using my rotary cutter.

 I had some odd shaped leftover bits so I made them into a pillowcase for practice.

If the cat doesn't sit in the scraps basket, the scraps will fall out so keep that in mind...

Once I had all of my 6" x 6" squares cut out it was assembly time!  Using a water soluble marker, I traced my cutting lines.

Basically, I turned the squares facing each other and drew a diagonal line down the center.

I sewed at 1/4" on each side of the line I drew.
This will make 2 perfect 1/2 and 1/2 squares.

This is just a preview of my modge podge put together of it so far... 

I went to and designed 2 fabrics for the backing of the quilt!

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